2024-03-142024-03-142024-03-142023-09-20https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/453Nowadays, with technological advances, the social demands of reading and writing have demanded from subjects increasingly advanced capacities for understanding the different textual/discursive genres socially produced. Recent research has pointed to the need to pay attention to the different languages present in texts, whether printed or digital. As a direct consequence of this phenomenon, there was a significant change in the configuration of teaching materials and, consequently, with the proposals that are presented by textbooks for teaching the mother tongue in the school environment. With this, the main objective of this research is to analyze the treatment given to multimodal discursive genres in 03 Portuguese language collections belonging to the 2021 PNLD of Secondary Education, which have their proposals anchored in the official documents that structured the New Secondary Education in the country. To carry out this work, a qualitative-quantitative approach was used, with documental analysis, since it allows the interpretation of social phenomena inserted in a given social context. For this, we follow the interpretivist postulate based on the socio-interactionist theory discussed by Applied Linguistics (Moita Lopes, 1994, 2002). The theoretical framework sought to articulate discussions about discursive genres (Bakhtin, 2009, 2016) and multimodal texts (Van Leeuwen 2020; Dionísio 2006/2007, Oliveira 2006, 2007; Rojo, 2012, 2013), among others. Thus, we sought to understand the way in which multimodal discursive genres are addressed in Portuguese language textbooks so that the proposed reflections can contribute to the improvement of the teacher's work and, consequently, to the linguistic training of high school students. With regard to the discursive genres worked on in the material, the book makes use of several genres, however, most of them are used only for the identification and understanding of the content in question, addressing only the theme and dispensing with composition and style as elements of its architecture.Acesso AbertoGêneroMultimodalidadeLivro didáticoProfessorLíngua portuguesaGenderMultimodalityTextbookTeacherPortuguese languageA multimodalidade nos livros didáticos de língua portuguesa do ensino médio: um olhar sobre a dimensão linguístico-discursiva do gêneros discursivos multimodaisTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES