2024-07-262024-07-262024-07-262024-01-31https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/563This work presents a proposal for a didactic sequence integrated with an educational product, aiming to enhance students' understanding of concepts related to free fall. Our discussion revolves around the learning of this phenomenon, encompassing its historical development, physical-mathematical formalism, and highlighting the relevance of integrating technology into Physics education, especially the use of simulations as a pedagogical resource. Furthermore, we developed a didactic sequence integrated with an educational product, created on the VPython platform, along with an experimental practice script. In the methodological approach, we employed applied research. The combination of the educational product with the didactic sequence provides significant support for both teachers and students in basic education, regarding the teaching of free fall, and serves as a powerful tool to challenge and correct common-sense conceptions on this subject.Acesso AbertoQueda livreSimulaçãoVphytonEnsino de físicaFree fallSimulationVPythonPhysics educationSequência didática para o ensino da queda dos corpos com auxílio da plataforma de simulação VPYTHONTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA