2024-09-102024-09-102024-09-102023-06-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/713Sanitary sewage is a service that aims to properly dispose of liquid effluents to prevent diseases arising from sanitation deficit, as well as to prevent environmental pollution while preserving the health of water resources, since water is essential for maintaining life on the planet. Therefore, the general objective of this research was to study the sanitary sewage in the municipality of Boca da Mata Alagoas, generating a diagnosis, and proposing solutions to meet the needs of the population and quality of life. And the specific objectives, describe the actions carried out by the city hall and how it impacts the community; carry out a diagnosis of the sanitary sewage situation in the municipality and analyze how sewage is collected, transported and treated in the urban and rural areas of the city. Methodology applied to the research was a case study, which were determined by descriptive research and bibliographical survey using materials from platforms such as google academic, periodicals Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) , works referring to basic sanitation, municipal law no 521 of January 30, 2007, referring to the master plan of Boca da Mata -AL. The study has observed the situation of sanitary sewage in the municipality of Boca da Mata-AL, where an analysis of the actions of the city hall was made and how they have impacted the population, aiming at the master plan of the city. The results obtained, indicated that the residue in the local stream, had pipe connections from houses that did not have septic tanks and the raw sewage were being thrown into the network reaching the source and little local farms, who has denounced, and the Public Ministry acted asking the solution by the infrastructure secretariat. Finally, it is essential to create action mechanisms that make it possible not only to take preventive measures, with a view to ensuring that the legislation is complied with, but also to develop corrective and control measures based on the identification of factors in the field of health and basic sanitation.Acesso AbertoSaneamento básicoEsgotamento sanitárioSaúdeZona rural e urbanaBasic sanitationSanitary sewageHealthRural and urban areaUm diagnóstico do sistema de esgotamento sanitário do município de Boca da Mata - ALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS