2024-03-072024-03-072024-03-072022-04-27https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/416Sugarcane brandy or cachaça is a drink appreciated by many people. However, its production process consists of several risks and accidents at work, so it is of great importance to analyze which risks workers are subject to in their work environment. The methodology adopted for the construction of the work consisted of research by bibliographic review and field research, which aimed to analyze the occupational risks in the production of cachaça, propose solutions to mitigate these risks and associate the regulatory norms. In view of the study, it appears that workers are vulnerable to the most diverse occupational risks in their work environment, associated with the production process of cachaça. Many times, accidents at work occur due to the lack of good working conditions and lack of good training to perform the tasks, so it is of paramount importance that the industry propose ways to mitigate these risks and implement the necessary standards. to have an optimal production, thus providing the well-being of the workers and the best development in their functions.Acesso AbertoProdução da CachaçaRiscos ocupacionaisSegurança do trabalhoNormas regulamentadorasAcidentes na produção da cachaçaAguardente de cana-de-açúcar (cachaça): processo produtivo aos riscos ocupacionaisTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEngenharia Química