2024-01-222024-01-222024-01-222023-10-24https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/357The insertion of the Brazilian Sign Language - Libras, within the scope of Professional and Technological Education is of paramount importance for the development of pedagogical practices aimed at the academic inclusion of people with deafness. Although Libras has been officially recognized in the national territory, by Federal Law No. 10,436/2002 and Decree No. 5626/2005, it is still unknown to the vast majority of the population (BRASIL, 2002; 2005) and continues to be mistakenly seen only as a set of natural gestures or 'mimicry', used by the deaf in the absence of orality. With this, it is necessary during the internship of the professionalizing course of interpreter/translator of Libras the realization of Libras Workshop with teachers of the pole school, enabling the teaching staff of the region and others interested in the theme, to learn and know the legality of Libras developing techniques of translation, interpretation, expressions, emphasizing the language, culture and deaf identity, so that this initiative becomes a social responsibility of the Federal Institute of Alagoas - IFAL.Acesso AbertoInclusãoFormação de professoresOficina de LibrasEducação profissionalInclusionTeacher trainingLibras workshopProfessional educationOficinas de libras como recurso inclusivo na formação continuada de professores da educação profissional e tecnológicaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS