2023-05-222023-05-222023-05-222022-05-12https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/191In 1952, the Indian Protection Service (SPI), through state agents, indigenous leaders and allies linked to the Roman Catholic Church and other institutions, annotated the Xukuru-Kariri indigenous people and acquired a strip of land in Palmeira dos Índios, a municipality of Agreste/Semiarid de Alagoas, culminating in the formation of the Aldeia Fazenda Canto. The SPI operated in that region until 1967, represented by the Irineu dos Santos Indigenous Post. Since then, the indigenistic actions of the State have become the responsibility of the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI). Therefore, in this Course Conclusion Paper (TCC), we discuss the labor relations involving the Xukuru-Kariri indigenous and the Brazilian State during the work of the SPI, focusing on indigenous experiences in the flour house and cassava plantations of Aldeia Fazenda Canto over the aforementioned period, seeking to reflect on the various forms of exploitation of the indigenous labor force and as a study on the Xukuru-Kariri actions in the aforementioned production unit could reveal other faces of the worlds of work in the second half of the 20th century. collection of the Research Group on Indigenous History of Alagoas (GPHIAL) and collection Carlos Estevâo de Oliveira, belonging to the Museum of the State of Pernambuco (MEPE). Dialoguing with a bibliography that recognizes the active roles occupied by indigenous peoples in history, we believe that this text contributes to revealing historical contexts that have long been forgotten by historians and experts on the subject.Acesso AbertoReconhecimento étnicoExploraçãoMundos do TrabalhoXukuru-KaririPalmeira dos ÍndiosEthnic recognitionExploitationWorlds of Work"Farinha nossa de cada dia!": mandiocultura e relações de trabalho Xukuru-Kariri no Posto Indígena Irineu dos Santos 1952-1967)Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS