2025-02-112025-02-112023https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/849This research, developed within the scope of the Graduate Program in Professional and Technological Education (ProfEPT/Ifal), has as its main objective to identify how the practices of Spanish language teachers at Ifal take place - whether they are guided by a colonial perspective, by a decolonial or even a mixed perspective – in addition to understanding the fundamentals of this process. In order to do so, we analyzed how issues related to Latin American languages, cultures and identities are presented in a natural and real context: the classroom (MATOS, 2018, 2019, 2020). The investigative study is qualitative and its theoretical framework is anchored in studies concerning collaborative action research (PIMENTA, 2007; IBIAPINA, 2008) and the different action research modalities (TRIPP, 2005; THIOLLENT, 2011), whose methodological instruments are: i) application of questionnaires, ii) conducting interviews, iii) production of autobiographical narratives. The research results aim to contribute to an omnilateral (RAMOS, 2008; FRIGOTTO, 2009; MOURA 2013; CIAVATTA, 2014) and decolonial (FREIRE, 1987; CANDAU, 2016; MIGNOLO, 2008; QUIJANO, 2000) training ; CASTRO-GÓMEZ and GROSFOGUEL, 2007; MALDONADO-TORRES, 2007; WALSH, 2009) of Spanish Language teachers based on the association between the dimensions of work, science and culture in the training process from the Educational Product (PE) that had as objective the offer of a Colloquium, in which the participation of Spanish Language teachers at Ifal took place on a voluntary basis. The Event subsidized the production of a Portfolio, containing all the steps taken for its elaboration, which is part of the NP elaboration process. As a result, we found that the teaching practice of the Spanish Language curricular component occurs in a mixed way, that is, sometimes colonially and sometimes decolonially. This is due, in large part, to the initial training of the teachers involved in this investigative process. In addition, with regard to the concepts of language, culture and Latin American identities, there is a consensus among teachers in stating that language and culture are inseparable, so that it is not possible to teach a language without passing through the culture of the people who speaks that language, since both, according to the teachers, are the mark of a people. In short, despite this teaching practice, at times, being colonial, which justifies the educational product of this dissertation, it should be noted that the investigated public recognizes that from a decolonial education it is possible to transform the pattern of power relations, knowing and being.ptEnsino Médio IntegradoPedagogia DecolonialEducação Profissional e TecnológicaLíngua EspanholaFormação Docente.Decolonialidades e ensino de espanhol: uma pesquisa-ação colaborativa na Educação Profissional e TecnológicaDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO