2024-12-062024-12-062023https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/801It becomes a challenge to break the separation of sciences into increasingly isolated disciplines, which do not dialogue with each other. Each developing its contents independently and exclusively, implying traditional educational practices, with pedagogical purposes, almost always, decontextualized. Within the scope of the Federal Institute of Alagoas (Ifal), it is believed to be no different. That being said, it is necessary that possible themes and contents be addressed in a way that considers interdisciplinarity, with an emphasis on the specific aspects of each area of knowledge, seeking integration and dialogue between them. Nature Adventure Activities can be configured as new themes and teaching-learning strategies with norms, values and attitudes that go beyond competitive practices and the contents of physical education classes. Being capable of an interdisciplinary approach with other areas of knowledge. Thus, this investigation aimed to verify the possibility of interdisciplinary pedagogical intervention, thematizing some adventure practices in integrated high school, through collaborative action research, which developed in a cyclical, dynamic and spiral manner. The target audience for the research were teachers and students of the Integrated Technical Course for Secondary Education in Agriculture, on one of the campuses of the Federal Institute of Alagoas/IFAL. The results analyzed in the diagnostic phase indicate that teachers considered Adventure Activities in Nature a theme that could be discussed within their respective areas of knowledge, and were able to understand interdisciplinarity and its importance in student learning. However, they highlight several challenges for carrying out interdisciplinary work. The investigation indicates the need for a proposed pedagogical intervention with an interdisciplinary bias. To collaborate in this sense, a teaching action was organized with interdisciplinary support through the theme: Adventure Activities in Nature. The action was consolidated into an ecological trail in the region, with students and teachers from two of the curricular components of the course under study. As a result, the collaborative educational product emerged, in the format of an e-book, interactive and interdisciplinary. The PE demonstrates a perspective of dialogue between the different areas of knowledge, distributed in the training centers (basic, integrative and professional), of the unified curricular matrix for the integrated technical course in agriculture at IFAL, as well as for the other courses at the institution in focus. and anyone else who may be interested in the topic.ptAtividades de AventuraNaturezaInterdisciplinaridadeEnsino Médio IntegradoProduto EducacionalAtividades de aventura na natureza: possibilidades pedagógicas interdisciplinares no ensino médio integradoDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO