2023-04-192023-04-192023-04-192022-03-23https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/166The technological evolution has made the computational systems more complex. This has had a direct impact on the teaching-learning processes in design of computational systems, since the contents involved reflect such complexity. In the scientific literature, computational simulators have been used as basic tools to support learning in design of computational systems. However, it is clear that, even with a diversity of resources, simulators are not prepared to meet the new demands in the face of this technological evolution, essentially when it concerns interdisciplinary and adaptation to different levels of courses; in addition to promoting significant learning, considering methodological aspects that promote education as well as professional and technological training for a market that is constantly innovating. Thus, this work proposes a Hardware and Software environment that allows the virtualization of practical activities while enhancing the development of skills with real electronic componentes, with application at different levels and models of courses, based on the research-action methodology, with significant results in the teaching-learning process.Acesso AbertoSistemas ComputacionaisAmbientes Virtuais de SimulaçãoEducação Profissional e TecnológicaComputational SystemsVirtual Simulation EnvironmentsProfessional and Technological EducationUma Plataforma de Hardware e Software para suporte ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem de tecnologias computacionais no contexto da EPTTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS