2024-09-022024-09-022024-09-022022-12-16https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/669The present work will address environmental issues with a focus on Environmental Education (EA), through the use of recreational activities in the early grades. Environmental Education must be understood as an educational process that must start at the base, and the participation and involvement of all are of paramount importance, family, school and community. Understanding that one should not only train professionals for the labor market, but citizens who are concerned with the environment where they live, so that they become transforming agents of the reality in which they are inserted. EE, according to Law No. 9,795, should be present at all levels of the teaching process, as environmental education, in addition to contributing to the formation of human beings, enables the student, through concrete actions, to transform their reality. Its general objective is to analyze the extension, developed through the use of recreational activities in the teaching and learning process of environmental education, with children from the 2nd to the 5th year of elementary school. And the specific objectives: survey of the environmental profile; Work on the use of recreational activities in the teaching and learning process of environmental education; Evaluate the relationship between playfulness and environmental design. The methodology was divided into three stages: bibliographic survey; conception of the students' environmental vision through recreational activities; and evaluation of results obtained through presentations on environmental issues. The project contributed not only to the awareness of children, but also to teachers, directors and other employees of the Joaquim Gama Filho School. The use of diversified methodologies which was employed in this study ensured a better interaction on the part of the students, stimulating interest and greater understanding of the themes that were addressed throughout the study. With the ludic practices, we noticed a better absorption of the students about the environmental context, in addition to reaffirming their ideas about the proposed environmental subjects.Acesso AbertoEnsinoLúdicoConsciência AmbientalTeachingLudicEnvironmental AwarenessO uso de atividades lúdicas no processo de ensino e aprendizagem em educação ambiental : um estudo de caso na escola municipal Joaquim Gama FilhoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS