2024-12-042024-12-042021https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/792Introduction: The abundant and radical changes that have taken place in wo rk processes have been a source of physical and emotional strai n. The recognized income inequality that characterizes the Brazilian social str ucture directly reflects on health conditions. Thus, whe n interpreting reality according to historical dialectical materialism, it is clear that adolescents and young people, wh o a re included in this social context, are directly affected by the problem. La w 9394/96, when establishing the guidelines and bases of Brazilian education, states that high school should take place as an integrated education, which develops the individual in all its dimensions. Understanding that the role of nursing at school contri butes to the permanence and successful completion of stude nts, it was decided to use the Theory of Tides as a tool to prevent and support anxiety disorders in high school studen ts. O bjective To investigate the presence of anxiety disorders in High School students at the Federal Institute of Alagoas, as well as the existence of guidance material for monitoring such situations, in order to build an educational product that collabo rat es with the practice of mental health care by Nursing team of the Federal Ne twork for Professional, Scientific and Technological Educatio n. Methodology: This work takes action research as a research technique, as it aims to improve the context of anxiet y disorders at Ifal. As a methodological tool for diagnosis, a semi structured questionnaire was used with nurses to observe initial and contin uing education related to mental health and their perception of the implementation of a theoretical and procedura l m odel aimed at this area. These data were subjected to Bardin's content analy sis and indicated as a result that a procedural theoretical model aimed at mental health can strengthen nursing ca re. Results : In the diagnostic research, 11 nurses participated ; 1 00% reported meeting mental health demands. Regarding the most attended diso rder, 100% reports that anxiety prevails. In 72.7% of the Campis there is the presence of professional ps ychologists, a fact that did not significantly reduce the attendance of nur ses for this demand. Most teenagers remain undiagnosed and when they do, the y do not always get care in the Health Care Network. Most nu rses (90.9%) report having studied the mental health discipline, but not always they feel fully prepared to care for mental disorders. All professionals agree on the need for training in mental he alth and strive to expand knowledge on the subject. Most do n ot know the Theory of Tides, but believe tha t a theoretical and procedural model can contribute to nursing practice. Fi nal considerations: The Theory of Tides represents an important possibility for nursing care in mental health. The lack of homogeneity in n ursing care in the school environment requ ires innovative practices capable of recognizing risk situations, develo pin g early diagnoses and generating interventions that provide positive results for adolescents and young people. For this, the Tide Theory Gu ide was created.pt: Educação int egralSaúde mentalAnsiedadeCuidados de e nfe rmagemTeoria das marés.Promoção de saúde na escola: teoria das marés como prevenção e suporte aos transtornos de ansiedade em estudantes do ensino médio integradoDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO