2025-02-202025-02-202024-12-20https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/868The present work aims to present a preliminary study of a scenographic space to be used in a theatrical show and explores the steps involved in this creative process. Scenography plays a crucial role in the construction of immersive experiences in various contexts, such as theater, cinema, events and exhibitions. It is an applied research composed of a bibliographical study and which uses the methodology of the Interior Design area for the preliminary study. This research addresses a conceptual review of scenography and highlights its relative importance to visual communication and lighting in spatial narrative; as well as, it brings indications from some authors who bring analyzes and technical observations from professionals in the field who reference the subject; relates interior design and scenography, and presents analyzes of local shows that guide the understanding of the context in which the scenographic environment will be inserted. In terms of design, this work explores the integration of aesthetic, technical and functional elements in the creation of the scenographic environment. Aspects such as the choice of materials, lighting, colors and shapes are discussed, aiming to harmonize all these elements to convey the desired message. The importance of interdisciplinary collaboration between scenography and design professionals is highlighted, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to achieve effective results. Finally, the preliminary study culminates in the presentation of a conceptual project of a show, visually illustrating the proposed ideas and providing a solid basis for the continuity of the scenographic development process. This work contributes to the understanding and improvement of practices related to the creation of scenographic environments and their relationship with Interior Design.ptDesign de InterioresCenografia – Estudo PreliminarCenografia - IluminaçãoScenography - Preliminary studyInterior DesignEstudo preliminar de um ambiente cenográfico para o espetáculo teatral Bárbara de NicomédiaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO