2023-08-102023-08-102023-08-102022-07-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/261The Citizen's Electronic Health Record (PEC) is a tool made available by the Ministry of Health, through the e-SUS AB strategy, capable of optimizing the flow of care at Basic Health Units, as well as supporting the process of coordinating citizen care. carried out by the family strategy teams. The present study aimed to evaluate the degree of usability of the (PEC) of the e-Sus AB information system, based on Nielsen's heuristics by two specialists and with the System Usability Scale (SUS), from the perspective of professionals from family health teams. For that, it was necessary to analyze the usability of the (PEC), of the e-Sus AB information system, as well as to evaluate the degree of user satisfaction in the use of the (PEC), as well as to identify the main difficulties presented by the users when using the (PEC), in order to contribute to a better understanding of the usability assessment processes of health information systems, and finally, to propose a prototype of screens with improvements of the PEC system. This is a research of a basic nature, with a quantitative and qualitative approach and a cross sectional survey, using two objectives: Exploratory and Descriptive. The research had a universe of 12 (twelve) Family Health Units (USF), belonging to the municipality of São Luís do Quitunde, in the interior of the State of Alagoas. As a data collection instrument, the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire and Nielsen's heuristics were used, used for the heuristic evaluation. As well as the proposal of a prototype of screens containing improvements. It was found that the (SUS) presented itself as a simple and efficient instrument for usability assessment. The evaluation through the SUS, found a good evaluation of the users of the system, with a score of 70%, classifying the system as good. In the heuristic evaluation, the violation of two heuristics was identified, among them the heuristic, control and user freedom and the heuristic help and documentation. It is concluded that through the two usability analyzes used, it was possible to understand the results that point to the perceptions of health professionals, in relation to the usability of the PEC system, as well as its adequacy to the heuristics proposed by Nielsen.Acesso AbertoSistemas de informação em saúdeAvaliação de UsabilidadeProntuário Eletrônico do Cidadãoe-SUS ABHealth information systemsUsability AssessmentCitizen's Electronic Health RecordAvaliação de usabilidade do prontuário eletrônico do cidadão (PEC), do sistema de informação E-SUS AB em um município alagoanoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA