2024-03-012024-03-012024-03-012023-02-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/396Considering the search for alternative sources to fossil fuels, the possibility arises of reusing vinasse for another function (instead of fertigation, which is the most common), to produce biogas. First, it is important to highlight that vinasse is a residual liquid from ethanol distillation found in abundance. Due to its physical-chemical characteristics, it represents a great concern if disposed of in the wrong way in the environment. Thus, in the midst of so many possibilities for the use of this by-product, anaerobic digestion stands out, as it has the ability to reduce the concentration of organic matter, neutralize the pH and, mainly, produce biogas – an important source of heat and electricity, with the advantage of being a renewable biofuel. Therefore, this work seeks to analyze the use of vinasse for the production of biogas through a literature review, this technology still needs investments and improvements to increase production and use. However, it can be concluded that the great Brazilian potential in producing biogas is evident, since vinasse is in abundance given the large number of ethanol production plants.Acesso AbertoVinhaçaMeio ambienteDigestão anaeróbicaBiogásProdução de biogás a partir da vinhaçaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEngenharia QuímicaTecnologia Química