2024-03-252024-03-252024-03-252022-04-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/499According to work, we can see many workers suffering in the cutting of sugar cane, for not having knowledge about the rights of the Labor Laws. On May 1st, the CLT was enacted. The current situation is quite different from the year 1980. Brazil is one of the main consumers and exporters of sugar and ethanol, most of these workers are all with low education. The people who go to work in these plants go to improve the family, many of them migrate to the Southeast in search of a better condition for the family. The labor legislation does reduce as article 149 of the penal code, slavery can be characterized by four elements.Acesso AbertoEscravidãoExportadoresCódigo PenalLeis trabalhistasDireitos trabalhistas nas usinas sucroalcooleirasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoDIREITO DO TRABALHO