2024-03-262024-03-262024-03-262022-06-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/502Different types of work environments offer conditions that present risks to the safety and health of workers. Just like at work, study institutions, such as chemistry teaching and research laboratories, are also exposed to various risk conditions that can threaten the health, safety and well-being of students, technicians, teachers and visitors, with risk of accidents or the emergence of occupational diseases. In this case, laboratories are seen as places with a high probability of accidents occurring due to physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and accidental agents that together belong to the so-called environmental and occupational risks. This work, through a bibliographical review, aims to analyze, explain and succinctly emphasize the environmental risks present in chemistry teaching and research laboratories so that the reader, based on the text, becomes aware of risk situations in and implement appropriate methods and correct forms of prevention, avoiding various accidents and occupational illnesses in these laboratory environments. It was concluded during the study that ergonomic agents and accidents are the most common in teaching and research laboratories, that it is important to know the PPRA (Environmental Risk Prevention Program) both in work environments and in laboratories, reinforcing biosafety and occupational safety. security studies in educational institutions, for better recognition and prevention of risks.Acesso AbertoAnálise de riscosNormasLaboratórioSegurançaRiscos ambientais em laboratórios de química geral: identificação e prevençãoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoHIGIENE E SEGURANCA DO TRABALHO