2024-02-202024-02-202024-02-202023-11-07https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/368Analytical geometry is the area of mathematics that studies geometric structures from an algebraic perspective in which its studies are used in contexts involving coordinates. Some historians of mathematics credit René Descartes with the discovery of analytical geometry. Starting from this brief context, this work aimed to historically address the emergence and evolution of Analytical Geometry and its implications for the construction and development of mathematical knowledge. As a methodology, there is a bibliographical review carried out through books and studies available in databases, which initially reveals the importance of analytical geometry as a curricular component of undergraduate courses in the exact sciences, such as Engineering, Computer Science, and of Mathematics, in addition to its relevance as a necessary tool for Differential and Integral Calculus and being one of the main references in a first linear algebra course. As Analytical Geometry originated in the midst of problems faced by humanity, such as the discovery of irrational numbers, incommensurable numbers, Zeno's paradoxes, the method of exhaustion, the idea of continuity, philosophical questions and religious beliefs, it is considered to be It is important that the teaching of analytical geometry permeates historical events, proposing the proposal to build knowledge and not just solve algorithms.Acesso AbertoGeometria analíticaÁlgebraHistóriaAplicaçõesAnalytical geometryAlgebraHistoryApplicationsGeometria analítica: panorama histórico e algumas aplicaçõesTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA