2024-09-112024-09-112024-09-112023-06-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/723The sugar-alcohol industry in Brazil has lately been strong in the market, because it has come to have a great importance for the growth of the country's economy, by generating numerous job opportunities directly and indirectly in the regions, thus providing more income. Most of the regions in Brazil are mostly sugarcane production, and from it there are also other types of products generated, such as energy, ethanol and biogas. But in the face of all this production that is possible through the use of natural resources, society has observed the need to reduce impacts on the environment, since sugarcane is a major source of production, and with this the industries were forced to worry about these issues that involve, in their production, sustainability, so that there is no aggression to the environment. From this the companies of the sugar-alcohol industry were willing to seek a new form of production, and the certifications come precisely to contribute in this process, guiding and leading to follow a whole series of new standards respecting norms, laws and guidelines with regard to the environment, thus raising an environmental preservation and a sustainable development. Thus, the objective of this research was to perform an analysis of the repercussions caused by the adoption of environmental certifications, comparing to environmental certifications in the sugar and alcohol sector, restricting only to Bonsucro and ISO 14001 certifications, taking into account two plants in the state of Alagoas. As a methodology used, a bibliographic survey was carried out, with the application of questionnaires to verify the perception of managers/professionals responsible for the environmental management of sugarcane and alcohol mills. Two plants were selected for the study, one certified and the other not certified. It was concluded that, from the analysis of the questionnaire, the main repercussions are: compliance with applicable and regulatory legislation, control and reduction of environmental impacts, efficient production, greater relationship with stakeholders, image and reputation improvements and access to new markets and businesses.Acesso AbertoMercadoCana-de-açúcarMeio ambienteCertificaçõesSucroalcooleiroMarketSugar caneEnvironmentCertificationsAlcoholGestão ambiental em usinas sucroalcooleiras : certificações e suas repercussões na sustentabilidadeTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS