2024-03-152024-03-152024-03-152022-03-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/457Safety at work is a topic of great socioeconomic relevance. Understood as the set of actions carried out by the company and the worker, with the aim of reducing damages and losses caused by aggressive agents, safety at work is guided by the search for improvements in the worker's working conditions. The obstacles and the complexity of the application of the legislation are related, above all, to the challenge of increasing the well-being and safety of the worker concomitantly with the increase of the productivity indexes. In the sugar and alcohol sector, the challenges are no less. The unsafe conditions of work in the field suggest the need to prepare people capable of facing and preventing accidents. In this context, the importance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Collective Protection Equipment (EPC's) is foreseen from a legal point of view as the responsibility of the employer, who must adopt all necessary measures for the protection and safety of employees. In this sense, this study is guided by carrying out a theoretical survey on the topic of occupational safety in the sugar and ethanol industry.Acesso AbertoIndustria sucroalcooleiraCondições laboraisLegislaçãoEPISegurança no trabalho na indústria sucroalcooleiraTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoHIGIENE E SEGURANCA DO TRABALHO