2024-03-202024-03-202024-03-202021-07-23https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/473The Red Propolis of Alagoas - PVA, a differentiated product with high added value, is produced only in the State of Alagoas due to the climatic and environmental factors of its mangroves and the way of production, a fact that favored the granting of the seal of Geographical Indication ( IG) in the Denomination of Origin (DO) modality granted by the National Institute of Industrial Property – INPI. The objective of the present work permeates the realization of a diagnosis of Propolis Vermelha de Alagoas in the environmental, social and technological spheres for the creation of shared value correlating with the Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs, relating the results for the business with the generated impact. The epistemological stance of the present work is positivist, with a qualitative approach and the methodological instruments will be based on data prospecting, using bibliographic and documentary research starting with the Systematic Review of Literature - RSL of Própolis Vermelha de Alagoas, guided by of the structured protocol for recording and systematizing the data, followed by the literature SURVEY on the creation of shared value. Scientific articles were consulted through the following databases: Periodicals Capes, Google Scholar, and Scielo; and other documents at INPI, SEBRAE AND IBGE and exploratory research. The results point to systematic actions linked to the creation of shared value to the productive units of the beekeeping of Propolis Vermelha de Alagoas from the diagnosis indexed in a single document in the environmental, social and technological dimensions, using the SWOT matrix tool, a PVA Manual it was constituted by relating it to the actions linked to the SDGs, linking the PVA's contribution to the millennium goals and its relationship with the respective goals, thus presenting an essentially positive prognosis for the beekeeping activity of the PVA. The present work intends to contribute positively to the organization of the sector by correlating the contributory SDGs of Própolis Vermelha de Alagoas (PVA).Acesso AbertoPrópolis Vermelha de AlagoasDalbergia ecastophyllumIndicação GeográficaDenominação de OrigemObjetivos de Desenvolvimento SustentávelRed Propolis of AlagoasDalbergia ecastophyllumGeographical IndicationDesignation of OriginSustainable Development GoalsPrópolis vermelha de Alagoas um diagnóstico das esferas ambientais, sociais e tecnológicas como elemento para criação de um valor compartilhado e a relação com as ODSsPropolis Vermelha de Alagoas a diagnosis of the environmental, social and technological spheres as an element for the creation of shared value and the relationship with the SDGsDissertaçãoOUTROS