2023-06-142023-06-142023-06-142022-11-23https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/225The CBR pavement design method was the official DNIT design method for many years. In view of the evolution of sizing theories and technology, in 2021 the migration of this methodology by the MeDiNa software was announced, which promises to be more descriptive in the results. So, when performing and presenting an example of sizing of each of the methods, it was possible to analyze the necessary information of the pavement materials of each one, make a comparison between the characteristics of the materials that are basic for both and how the results are presented using the old method and what is being deployed. Therefore, the characterization tests of the physical indices are common for both, they differ that for the old method that the CBR index was necessary, while for the MeDiNa method the resilience modulus, Poisson and the soil deformation are indices that need to be obtained through tests of each material for the design and as the physical relationships between these coefficients are not yet known, it is not possible to describe whether one or the other design will have a thicker floor. As for the results obtained, they are only the pavement thicknesses in one and in the other a report is given that in addition to the pavement thickness has predictions of wheel track sinking in each layer, final cracked area and during the useful life calculation considerations, material information. Thus, the software is more practical and with greater wealth of information.Acesso AbertoCBRMeDiNaDimensionamentoPavimentaçãoSizingPavingApresentação e análise dos métodos de dimensionamento de pavimento CBR/DNIT e MeDiNaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS