2023-06-012023-06-012023-06-012022-07-04https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/213The present work presents a proposal of Interior Design, having as main focus the project of environments for a playful room in the Museum of Natural History in Alagoas, through the analysis of questions referring to the demands of the institution and its relationship with a clipping of its target audience (children's audience). In recent years, the museum has faced a growth in visits from children aged between 2 and 5 years and this ended up requiring the development of an interior project, with further studies to adapt the institution's mission linked to activities that can be performed in space by this audience. In view of the above, this course conclusion work seeks, through interior design, to provide elements that allow a better use of children within the museum space, making use of aesthetic and ergonomic aspects applied to children. The development of this project took place following the methodology proposed by the interior design, to reconcile the objectives of the Natural History Museum of the Federal University of Alagoas in the construction of an adequate space to receive the children's public and that allows the application of relevant educational actions and in a secure and integrated. In this sense, initially it was necessary to know the institution in depth, its actions, exhibitions, and its functioning. In addition, we also sought to understand technical aspects related to ergonomics and accessibility, Materials and Colors for children's environments. Thus, the final object of the work was an interior design project, at the preliminary study level, of a playful room that meets the needs of the Natural History Museum while considering the specificities of children and encouraging the learning in a playful, safe, and accessible way.Acesso AbertoDesign de InterioresPúblico InfantilMuseuEspaço lúdicoAção educativaInterior DesignChildren's AudienceMuseumPlay SpaceEducational ActionEstudo preliminar: sala lúdica do museu de história natural da Universidade Federal de AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::ARQUITETURA, URBANISMO E DESIGN