2025-02-172025-02-172024-11-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/861The importance of maintaining an organizational identity, in public or private area, through the knowledge shared and developed by employees who permeate these in- stitutions generates immeasurable wealth through skills and experiences. This knowledge is often lost or not shared, simply because the need to implement knowledge management is not understood. In front of this, between understanding the importance and pursuit of this science, this work presents a Systematic Literature Re- view (SLR) to identify approaches, definitions and concepts on knowledge manage- ment in Public Administration. This study is based on periodicals, in the Capes/MEC and ANPAD SPELL databases. Using these research sources, two stages of article selection were carried out: identifying the initial studies totaling 11,782 articles, which resulted in 621 articles being included; and subsequently excluding studies based on title, abstract and keywords, leaving 47 articles. The results of the data analysis indi- cated that there is an understanding of the importance of knowledge management; however, public managers need to understand and implement this methodology in their organizations. On the other hand, there is a lack of scientific works that address Knowledge Management directly and appropriately aimed at public institutions.ptAdministração PúblicaGestão do conhecimentoInstituição públicaKnowledge managementPublic institutionUma revisçao sistemática da literatura sobre gestão do conhecimento na administração públicaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA