2024-03-222024-03-222024-03-222018-11-10https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/493This work sought to awaken the professional protagonism of students of the technical course in agroindustry, starting from a dialogical process stimulating the discussion of strategies to face the problems that limit their performance as a professional and as an agent of social transformation. The methodology of action research was used, where the students were encouraged to reflect on the professional profile of the technician in agroindustry, as well as the limitations for insertion in the labor market. As a method for data collection, discussions were held with pre-established themes and script, as well as the application of a final questionnaire with an attempt to evaluate the process from the perspective of the participants. It was possible to identify three important aspects: the existence of a fragmented understanding of the professional profile, the fear and insecurity of the responsibilities attributed to the professional assignments and the knowledge of the various possibilities of the technician in agroindustry. In the discussions on the limitations, problems related to the student, the institution and the labor market were identified, to which proposals were indicated. However, the process is not conclusive, requiring other cycles of investigation- action-reflection in order to give greater solidity to the strategies of coping with the problems of professional insertion.Acesso AbertoEducação Profissional - DocênciaProtagonismo profissional - Curso Técnico em Agroindústria,Ensino profissionalEnsino técnicoProtagonismo estudantilVocational educationTechnical educationStudent protagonismA pesquisa-ação como estratégia didático-metodológica para o enfrentamento dos desafios da inserção profissional de técnicos em Agroindústria do Instituto Federal de Alagoas - Campus BatalhaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO