2024-07-032024-07-032024-07-032021-10-13https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/532There are several methods of evaluating the student and the evaluation instruments used and applied in an appropriate way, considering the context in which the students are inserted, as well as the teacher's methodology and conceptions adopted by him, favoring the students' teaching-learning process. This research analyzed the efficiency and performance of the evaluation instruments used by a chemistry teacher in his classes in a high school class in a basic education institution in the state network of Alagoas. This research was qualitative in a case study in which the methods of inductive approach and observational procedure were used. The research period was between March and August 2019 and the data production techniques were field notes, photos, questionnaires and document analysis. Questionnaires were applied with the chemistry teacher and students of the class and the documents analyzed were the evaluative instruments used in the classroom during the course of the research. The analyzes and discussions on the chemistry evaluation instruments were carried out based on data collected at the school, as well as on the evaluation of printed materials, which was used as a resource to prove the veracity of the research. The research was based on LUCKESI's theory, but other pedagogical theories defended by several scholars in the area were used. During the approach, some reflections on the concepts of assessment and on the assessment instruments used by the teacher can be noted. In the results of our analysis, it was evident that the teacher prioritized the evaluation focused on the traditional method, however, with some vestiges of the constructivist conception, as well as the progressive one in its pedagogical proposal. Therefore, such research helps us to understand the importance of selecting assessment instruments in an adequate way to obtain a positive diagnosis of the chemistry assessment.Acesso AbertoQuímicaQuímica – Estudo e ensinoInstrumentos avaliativos – Ensino em Química – AnáliseChemistry – Study and teachingAssessment instruments – Teaching in Chemistry – AnalysisO processo de aprendizagem em química: análises dos instrumentos avaliativos em uma escola estadual de educação básicaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICA