2024-03-252024-03-252024-03-252022-01-19https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/496This study aimed to develop a modular product to act as a product exhibitor at creative product fairs held in ephemeral space. In these events, food services and cultural presentations are usually added as an attractiveness strategy. The project proposal for the modular product resulted from a survey of the products exhibited at the fairs, the project requirements perceived during the field visit and some issues raised by the people who were exhibiting. It is understood, from the knowledge pertaining to the nature of interior design, that this issue can be analyzed from the perspective of ephemeral Design, Commercial Design and Furniture Design. The result presented here is the result of the observation of Ferinha Empoderada, Feirinha Cool and Natal de Folguedos, held in the city of Maceió.Acesso AbertoDesign de InterioresDesign efêmero – Plataforma Q+Produto modularFeira criativaDesign ComercialCreative fairEphemeral designFurniture designPlataforma Q+: estudo preliminar de mobiliário modular expositor para feira efêmeraTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ARQUITETURA, URBANISMO E DESIGN