2023-12-142023-12-142023-12-142023-11-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/339Models involving Ordinary Second Order Differential Equations are present in several problems in various areas of Exact and Earth Sciences, through applications in fluid mechanics, heat conduction, electrical circuits and electromagnetic phenomena. In this sense, the present work presents a study on these equations, covering the fundamental concepts of first-order to second-order equations. Throughout the development of the work, with the exception of the analysis via GeoGebra, the independent variable was time, so that we could also cover Physics students, considering that in general all physical models are based on this parameter. For the application, we brought two problems involving mathematical modeling, the first being a model for detecting diabetes and the other involving a series circuit RLC. Initially, we carried out an analytical analysis of the two problems, detailing how all the calculations were made, and the other was carried out using a applet created in software GeoGebra during a technological initiation project developed at Instituto Federal de Alagoas - Campus Maceió, with the aim of students being able to combine the theoretical part with the practical part. Understanding the solution methods is an important step during the process of teaching and learning differential equations, considering that it was only possible to develop this interactive window by understanding how these methods work. We concluded, from the analysis of the problems, that the use of technology aimed at education provides students with a new learning environment through interactivity and experimentation with different scenarios.Acesso AbertoEquações Diferenciais Ordinárias de Segunda OrdemGeoGebraCircuitos ElétricosModelo Para Detecção de DiabetesAppletSecond Order Ordinary Differential EquationsElectric CircuitsModel for Detecting DiabetesEquações diferenciais ordinárias de segunda ordem: uma abordagem analítica e com o software GeoGebraTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA