2024-04-242024-04-242024-04-242023-11-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/521Based on epistemological perspectives and the ethical agenda of contemporary Applied Linguistics (Moita Lopes, 2018), combined with a feminist perspective in language studies (Cameron, 1991; Vallada; Pinto, 2021), the present work aims to produce a critical interpretation about the social meanings linked to violence against women in Brazilian journalistic practice, focusing especially on the way in which journalistic news narrates crimes of femicide. To this end, through automated screening carried out using Python language and the application of non-automatic inclusion and exclusion criteria, a corpus of 12,199 news articles on feminicide was created, published on the largest Brazilian news website, G1, between the years 2018 and 2023. To explore this corpus and generate data, a methodological combination was mobilized between textual analysis tools from Corpus Linguistics, notably the resources available in the AntConc 4.2.4 software (Laurence, 2023), and qualitative and interpretivist discourse analysis, from its pragmatic and socio-anthropological perspective. The analytical journeys carried out with the corpus made it possible to point out different modes of discursive materialization of gender violence, in which semiotic elements worked in the construction of news narratives that index (point to) masculinist and sexist ideologies current in Brazilian society regarding gender violence. Among these operations, the following stand out: i) the silencing of social feminist voices in the construction of news narratives, especially through the deletion of items from a gender record about the cases, such as the use of the expression “feminicide” itself; ii) the projection of an individualizing and simplifying perspective on feminicide, stripping it of its cultural and historical dimension, through the validation of the “isolated case rhetoric” and the punitive perspective as a solution to a structural social problem; iii) the ambiguization of male authorship in feminicide crimes through syntactic coordinates that produce distancing effects between the semantic roles of agent and patient; iv) a hyper-description of violent actions, brutal crime scenarios and the violated condition of victims' bodies and their effects of spectacularizing gender violence and revictimizing women in cases of feminicide. In general terms, the study allows us to problematize still pervasive ideologies about neutrality in journalistic activity, as well as highlighting the continuum of gender violence in language (Silva, 2017; 2020) to which women are intersectionally subjected. The linguistic critique of gender violence thus highlights the need to redefine the media discourse around femicide.Acesso AbertoFeminicídioViolência de gêneroMaterialização discursivaNarrativas jornalísticasFemicideGender-based violenceDiscourseJournalistic narrativesMaterialização discursiva da violência de gênero em notícias jornalísticas: como a mídia narra feminicídiosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES