2024-03-082023-03-082024-03-082023-09-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/441The objective of this research was to propose an intervention applied to the practices of identifying and preventing occupational diseases to promote learning in a Technical Course in Occupational Safety, based on the development of a practical nature of the discipline and approach to activity focused on occupational safety, it is a complex task, especially when dealing with a group of students, with workloads and time availability to develop activities. This task becomes challenging when the aim is not only to provide the necessary theoretical knowledge, but also to improve students' practice. However, it is crucial to give students real experience of how to act and apply learning to solve real problems in the workplace. The proposal is to hold a class on the identification and prevention of occupational diseases for students in the Ergonomics discipline, where they will learn to write a practical report to present as a result of learning in the classroom, and thus in the future take this learning into practice. day to day work. A methodology of three moments will be covered: in the first, class planning is carried out; in the second, a dialogued expository class is carried out, using active methodologies and technological resources, present from the discussion of content to the assessment of learning; the third moment refers to the assessment of the relevance of the content taught and resources used in the class, as well as issuing a report on the identification and prevention of occupational diseases at work, by students. Therefore, raise reflections on the need for practices to identify and prevent occupational diseases, provide students with the promotion of learning skills in the area of occupational safety, contribute to the prevention of occupational diseases; and raise students' awareness of the relevance of promoting a healthy work environment through the report. It is concluded that the proposed intervention has the potential to bring initial knowledge about identifying and preventing occupational diseases to future Occupational Safety Technicians.Acesso AbertoCurso TécnicoRelatório PráticoDoenças OcupacionaisTechnical CoursePractical ReportOccupational DiseasesIdentificação e prevenção de doenças ocupacionais para promoção do aprendizado na educação profissionalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS