2024-09-092024-09-092024-09-092024-05-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/707Brazilian society is characterized by its high degree of inequality between classes, which is reflected in both the educational and professional spheres. Such duality is reflected in all of Brazil's economic and social results and, mainly, in Brazil's cycle of underdevelopment. The capitalist model prevents small producers from developing their businesses, which, by the way, have a high degree of bankruptcy. Much of this problem is due to the unfair competition that exists in the capitalist context of the Brazilian market, in which large producers achieve gains in scale and reduce costs by facing market barriers, such as abrupt competition and high taxes, more calmly than small ones, who often can't even pay their basic bills. Within this context, we seek some alternatives for operating in the capitalist market that provide the small producer/entrepreneur with greater business sustainability to improve their reality. To solve this problem, solidarity economy methods must be applied, such as cooperative dynamics as an alternative to the current model of capitalist competition. In this context, the general objective of the research was to apply a teaching methodology based on the cooperative model as an alternative to the current capitalist standard for the performance of students on the agricultural technical course in the job market. In the methodology, in addition to a bibliographical survey, a questionnaire was carried out to diagnose the students' level of understanding on the theme of cooperativism and identify the participating public. This research is of a quantitative nature, using a didactic sequence to apply the proposed methodology and followed the line of research into educational practices for students of the technical course in griculture at the Federal Institute of Alagoas, Satuba campus. The research found that there is ample space for approaching the theme of cooperativism within secondary education as a contribution to the comprehensive training of students.Acesso AbertoCooperativismo.Formação IntegralSequência DidáticaCooperativismComprehensive TrainingFollowing TeachingSequência didática para abordagem do modelo cooperativistaOutroCNPQ CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS