2024-02-292024-02-292024-02-292023-08-31https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/394The most varied audiences seek ways to get closer to the natural environment, so activities such as bird watching are highlighted, being used as environmental education tools, as they encourage discussions about environmental conditions and create a connection with nature. The APA of Marituba do Peixe, located in Alagoas, has a high diversity of species and ecosystems with great potential for conservation. Based on this, the present work aimed at the construction of a booklet as a didactic strategy, having as its theme the observation of birds in the APA Marituba do Peixe. For this, bibliographical and documentary research was carried out on the characteristics of the APA with a focus on the avifauna present there and theoretical elements related to the theme of the booklet and its construction, in addition to field visits in the region. As a main result is the booklet on bird observations in the APA of Marituba do Peixe with indications for its use.Acesso AbertoAvifaunaSensibilização ambientalÁreas protegidasObservação de aves como ferramenta de educação ambiental em unidade de conservação: cartilha na APA Marituba do Peixe, AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Biológicas