2023-08-022023-08-012023-08-022021-12-13https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/252This work deals with the use of online tools for Physics teaching. Although there are a variety of programs, there is a lack of integration between them, which makes meaningful learning, in this subject, quite difficult as predicted by Ausubel (AUSUBEL, 1978). Another aspect that also makes such learning difficult is that there is no interaction between the teacher and the students in the virtual classes, and the contents are taught in a quickly way, since the teacher is not allowed to develop their reasoning as they would do in a face-to-face class. Thus, the following research problem can be seen: to what extent will the use of teaching platforms, associated with technological tools, have a significant influence on the significant learning of physics by students in the first year of Technical Education at Federal Institute from Alagoas (IFAL)? Thus, the g similar way to what happens in a face-to-face class. In this sense, it is suposed that an aspect that oals of this work are to establish online contact with students in order to use tools from Google Classroom (EDUCADOR DO FUTURO, 2020), SIGAA and CANVA(ALPHESIS, 2016); another objective is to demonstrate how the use of these tools allows the teacher to develop their reasoning in ahinders the teaching and learning process is the lack of direct interaction between the teacher and the student when performing exercises. Thus, it is believed that if the teacher is able to write formulas and draw objects, using the Canva tools, students will be also able to perform exercises with aesthetics superior to that commonly used in Microsoft Word, in addition to using the virtual wall, which will favor the analysis of the assimilation to the content by groups of students, thus resulting in a reduction in their mathematical fragility.Acesso AbertoEnsino-aprendizagemFísicaFerramentas tecnológicasPlataforma de ensinoAplicação de ferramentas online no ensino de física para corrigir deficiências dos fundamentos de matemática em alunos do cursos integradoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA