2024-03-192024-03-192024-03-192022-09-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/465Basic sanitation is still a recurrent problem to be dealt with in Brazil, especially in rural areas that have one of the largest deficits in the sectors of water supply and sewage. The precariousness of these services in these areas requires the population to resort to alternative systems such as the use of wells and cesspools, however, these methods make them susceptible to waterborne diseases due to contamination of the wells. Thus, the present work aims to evaluate the quality of the sanitary sewage and water catchment of the Quaresma village, located in the municipality of Igreja Nova, Alagoas. The methodology used consisted in the evaluation of the wells and cesspools of 12 residences in the village, verifying their structure, the distance between them and the microbiological analysis of 5 of the points that had the shortest distances between the cesspools and the wells, in order to verify the presence of total coliforms and Escherichia coli. After the data analysis, it was found that the sanitary sewage and water collection conditions in the village are worrisome. The wells and cesspools presented irregularities in their structures and their distances were shown to be in disagreement with the norms in force, presenting an average of 12.10 meters. The microbiological analysis of the 5 water samples confirmed the presence of total coliforms in all samples and positive results for E.coli in 3 of them, being out of the potability standards established by the legislation. The contamination of these points was associated with the use of absorbent pits, the low distance between the wells and the pits, and the deficiencies in the well structures.Acesso AbertoSaneamentoPoçoColiformesEscherichia coliEsgotamento sanitário e captação de água na zona rural de Igreja Nova, Alagoas: Estudo de casoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoSaneamento básico