2023-07-212023-07-212023-07-212023-06-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/237The present study is the result of an investigation into the use of the gamification and storytelling methodological approach in the teaching of pH, chemical solutions and acids and bases carried out with 14 students of the second year of integrated high school and technical course in chemistry at the Federal Institute from Alagoas in the city of Maceió. Recognizing that this proposed methodological intervention could contribute to the process of teaching and learning chemistry, our objective: was to analyze the result of using the game linked to the storytelling of patient Oliver's riddle based on gamification and storytelling methodologies in the teaching of physical-chemical education. To conduct the investigation, a mixed approach was adopted, defining the research design as sequential, the most appropriate type of research for our intervention. Data was collected through a test, followed by observation of students interacting with the educational game and the application of a questionnaire. It is argued that adherence to the gamification and storytelling methodological proposal contributed to reinforce the learning concepts related to pH, chemical solutions, acids and bases in a more active way and allowed experiencing other approaches to these contents in addition traditional practices.Acesso AbertoAprendizagem AtivaEnsino de químicaMetodologias ativasActive LearningChemistry educationActive methodologiesGamificaçãoStorytellingGamificação e storytelling no ensino de físico-química: o enigma do paciente OliverTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA