2024-08-192024-08-192024-08-192022-12-22https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/615The huge amount of data aggravates the search for information, because most of the data are texts, unstructured and dispersed in several sources. In this context, this work aims the use and the development of a chatbot to improve the user experience related to IFAL campus Arapiraca. This study describes a peer-review of similar work, the development of an application, and the user testing. To the development of the chatbot, it was called Marvin, it carried out the reading of pedagogical projects, normative instructions, and internet pages, besides the study of the frameworks related to chatbots. The user testing had the goal to evaluate the using and acceptance of the chatbot. And in agreement of the data results, Marvin has had a good acceptance, being an interesting solution to the information access.Acesso AbertoChatbotSistemas de informaçãoIFALInformaçãoInformation SystemInformationMarvin: um chatbot para auxílio à comunidade do IFALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA