2023-06-262023-06-262023-06-262020-09-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/230This discussion goals to reflect on the relationship between the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), in Brazil, and the Theory of Multiliteracies in Portuguese Language classes in the final years of Elementary School, having its making through a documentary research. The studies turned to the use of TDIC (Digital Information and Communication Technologies, in English) in a collaborative and the way of producing meanings through textual-discursive genres, focusing on the Theory of Multiliteracies, which is contemplated in the BNCC, with a view to focused on classroom practices. Critical-reflective training, as part of the teaching-learning processes, which are not restricted to the physical space of the school, is related to the development of skills and competences in Portuguese language classes and other curricular components of basic education. We highlight, for reflection, the pandemic moment experienced by students, teachers, and other professionals from this field, which highlighted the need for practices that involved TDIC. This research is qualitative and the methodological procedures are centered on linguistic-textual analysis in the light of Applied Linguistics, especially with regard to the teaching of Portuguese Language. Even so, it was pertinent to analyze aspects of the BNCC, which presents itself as a regulatory document, with innovative, revolutionary and democratic ideals in relation to Brazilian Education. Our discussion is based on authors, such as: Kleiman (2005), Rojo (2012), Ana Elisa Ribeiro (2020), Bakhtin (2011), among others.Acesso AbertoBNCCEnsino de Língua PortuguesaMultiletramentosTDICPortuguese Language TeachingMultiliteraciesBNCC e interações multiletradas no ensino de língua portuguesaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES