2024-07-152024-07-152024-07-152010-01-31https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/542The use of instruments that play a role in teaching are quite important, for several reasons, among them, the motivation they cause in the student. As a strategy for this, one can employ pedagogical games, bringing the subject closer to the scientific content. Among the games used can be mentioned the Tangram. For the analysis will be used the interaction between algebraic development and geometric construction, through the use of the game TANGRAM relating the concept and the calculation of areas of flat figures. The study aims to analyze the use of the game "TANGRAM" as a didactic resource in teaching learning in the concept and in the calculation of area of flat figures. As for the method, it is a qualitative research, through the application of a questionnaire, the technique is the case study. The subjects of the research are students of the 6th year of elementary school Ana Coelho Palmeira State School Teacher. It is concluded that the gameTangram actually helps, as it assists the student in thinking about how to work out the resolution of the question, through observation. Therefore, in the study, some deficiencies in the use of the game can not be detected, and the student can not identify the areas of the figures, among others, so that if they perceive defictis in learning in the mathematical discipline, how not to apply the sequence to solve the question , suggested by some authors in this study when dealing with problem solving.Acesso AbertoMatemática – LicenciaturaMatemática – Ensino- aprendizagemJogos pedagógicosTangram – Jogo matemáticoMathematical KnowledgeTangram – Didactic ResourceO TANGRAM enquanto material didático para o aprendizado de conceitos e cálculo de área no ensino de matemáticaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::MATEMATICA