2024-09-042024-09-042024-09-042021-12-10https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/690The food production and consumption systems practiced in the world go against sustainable development, being a great fomenter of climate change, bringing serious consequences for the near future. Food security continues to be threatened by the severe climatic effects that are already affecting the planet Earth, and that will have consequences on the capacity to feed a population estimated at 9 billion people by 2050. It is urgent to think about food from the point of view of sustainability in order to have fairer planting systems that lead to environmental and social improvement. Sustainable food seeks to interconnect all the chains present in the food system and, in a more holistic way, to build a production and consumption system more environmentally friendly, as well as an economy that leads to social gain. Training professionals who understand the meaning of sustainable food and who can act in order to mitigate socio-environmental problems is consistent with what is proposed in the 2030 Agenda, thus contributing to a fairer society. Environmental management emerges as a way to understand the interrelationships present between man and environment and, through environmental education, tries to raise awareness of attitudes and behaviors that lead to social equity. This qualitative-quantitative descriptive study aimed to understand the level of perception of two sample groups of the environmental area regarding the theme of sustainable food. Students from the Environmental Education graduation program (N=23) of Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal and from the Technology in Environmental Management (N034), of Federal Institute of Alagoas, Brazil participated of the study. The methods used were bibliographic research and survey questionnaire with multi-item perception scale (Likert type). Through 30 statements it was possible to know the perceptions of the sample groups. The questions were focused on specific aspects of sustainable food such as meat consumption, use of fossil fuels, seasonality and monoculture planting, use of plastic, composting, consumption of water resources, concepts of socially fair economy and social equity, among others. Although, in general, the results show that students are enlightened on the subject, it is still necessary, in order to achieve environmental literacy, an increase in the level of understanding of the environmental interrelationships related to food. In this sense, it is reinforced the need to invest in the education of these future professionals so that they become awareness agents for the environmental impacts resulting from food, because in this way, they will be able to develop knowledge, attitudes and behaviors about the interrelationships between food and environment. Hence, it is proposed at the end of the work a continuation of the research in order to promote the creation of literature on the subject and thus contribute to the dissemination of the concept of sustainable food.Acesso AbertoAlimentação SustentávelDesenvolvimento SustentávelEducação AmbientalGestão AmbientalLiteracia AmbientalSustainable FoodsSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental managementEnvironmental literacyAlimentando o Futuro: um estudo de percepção sobre Alimentação Sustentável entre dois cursos superiores luso-brasileiros - Licenciatura em Educação Ambiental (IPB) e Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental (IFAL-MD)Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS