2024-08-052024-08-052024-08-052021-11-25https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/568The role of the pedagogical director in Brazil was linked to different historical and educational political moments, going through many obstacles until achieving his true role in education. Today he is at the head of the school's work, observing the difficulties, reflecting on them and devising strategies to sanction the problems. The main objective of this work is to understand the commitment of the pedagogical director as a function in the school environment, therefore, a state public school system in the city of São José da Laje - AL was analyzed. The methodology used for the research was: bibliographic and field, for bibliographical research information was sought in books and articles referring to the authors' theory: Alarcão (2001), Freire (1998), Libaneo (2001) and Medel (2008), Pimenta (2004), Saviani (2002), among others. The field work was based on the application of questionnaires, one for the pedagogical director and another for the teachers. The data collected showed that although the director has shown performance in the pedagogical process, there is still a lot to be done, there needs to be more commitment in monitoring teaching and learning and in the democratization of the PPP (pedagogical political project). Therefore, the pedagogical director must know their true role, and constantly monitor, evaluate, think and rethink, giving new meaning to their performance in teaching practice and in the students' learning.Acesso AbertoEscolaDiretor pedagógicoEnsinoAprendizagemSchoolPedagogical DirectorTeachingLearningDiretor pedagógico e a atividade compromissora no ambiente escolarTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES