2024-09-022024-09-022024-09-022022-12-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/671The present work aims to present the perceptions that the workers of the cooperative of collectors of recyclable materials of Marechal Deodoro have about the quality of the activities carried out by them. It is an action-research with quantitative and qualitative tools, the research was carried out through interviews and a questionnaire with the directors and the cooperative members, focusing on highlighting the difficulties faced in the process of cooperativism and the benefits existing with the activity, whether economic, social or environmental. The research shows that the environmental interest is becoming more and more a subject of worldwide importance, mainly for the economic favor, the scarcity of raw materials that are withdrawn without the proper replacement, the absence of public policies that have as objective the environmental preservation and the increase in the production of new products that, in their final destination, become a major polluting generator, especially when they are not intended for reuse or recycling. From the data collected, we noticed that there are several issues that involve the discussion of the quality of the work of the cooperative members, especially when seeking to meet the principles of cooperativism. The analysis presented here is quite pertinent to highlight the situations that can add positively to this work, allowing the cooperative a new look at what is essential, in search of sustainable development and the improvement of its activities.Acesso AbertoCooperativaCatadoresRecicláveisColeta seletivaCooperativeCollectorsRecyclablesCollectionPercepções dos trabalhadores da cooperativa dos catadores de Marechal Deodoro: análise da qualidade do trabalhoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS