2024-08-282024-08-282024-08-282022-03-31https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/640In recent years, slam poetry has reached a growing space in Brazil as a modality of literary production. Deeply connected to the sociocultural reality of peripheral and historically subordinated groups, it presents itself, above all, as a form of resistance. This work intends, from the field of Cultural Studies, mainly through the studies of coloniality, to highlight slam poetry as a cultural practice with a non hegemonic character, based on Mignolo (2008), as a form of “epistemic disobedience”. The discussion is also undertaken based on authors such as Glissant (2005), Curiel (2020), Hall (2006), Evaristo (2019), among others. To start the debate, some texts from the collection Querem nos calar: poemas para serem lidos em voz alta (2019), organized by the poet Mel Duarte and composed of texts by different women slammers. It is verified that slam poetry acquires its non hegemonic character as an intersection of aesthetic and political factors, placing itself as resistance in relation to historically legitimized discourses.Acesso AbertoSlamPrática culturalPoesia faladaSpoken poetryCultural practiceEntre o estético e o político: reflexões sobre o caráter contra-hegemônico da poesia slamTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES