2024-03-012024-03-012024-03-012021-11-25https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/399In Brazil, sewage sludge is generally sent to the landfill, compromising the useful life of the landfills, as it occupies the place of other solid domestic waste. Considering the nutrient richness of the sludge, and its agricultural recycling as a technical, economic and environmentally safe alternative, the present work developed a technique for agricultural recycling of sewage sludge generated by the sewage treatment plant in the municipality of Igaci, chosen for having its sewage treatment plant built recently (August/2018). The methodological procedures were divided into two stages, where the first is carried out through the Geographic Information System (GIS), in which maps were built showing the areas of the municipality where sewage sludge can be applied for agricultural purposes. Finally, the present work sought to calculate the necessary sludge dosage in agricultural areas, for the main crops used in the municipality. With this, it is intended to carry out the recycling of sewage sludge in the municipality of Igaci, analyzing the places where they must be inserted, and the necessary dosage of biosolids for each type of crop that can be used in agricultural areas. This study enables a good management of the sludge from the sewage treatment plant in the municipality of Igaci, favoring soil recovery and the optimization of agriculture.Acesso AbertoAgricultura sustentávelBiossólidoGerenciamento de lodoResíduos de saneamentoGeoprocessamentoSustainable AgricultureBiosolidSludge ManagementSanitation wasteGeoprocessingLodo de esgoto como alternativa de fertilização agrícola para o Município de Igaci - ALDissertaçãoOUTROS