2024-08-302024-08-302024-08-302021-11-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/667This study aimed to identify the causes of school dropout in a class of a technical vocational course after the implementation of the distance learning modality. The research carried out was of an applied nature, with a qualitative, descriptive approach and using the technical procedure of action research. The practical and collaborative action-research model was used in a sample of 20 students from a class of the Occupational Safety II subject of the technical course on Occupational Safety. As a technical procedure for data collection, a multiple-choice and open-ended questionnaire was used, answered anonymously by the interviewees. The results show that school dropout in the population investigated is multifactorial in nature, with a predominance of causes of socio-economic, technological and organizational origin. As a strategy for solving the problem condition, a plan with mitigation and correction actions was proposed, with the objective of understanding and preventing the causes that promote school dropout.Acesso AbertoEnsino à DistânicaEaDEducação à DistânciaEnsino-AprendizagemPesquisa-AçãoDistance LearningDistance EducationE-LearningEducation ResearchEnsino à distância: elementos dificultadores na perspectiva do alunoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS