2024-03-212024-03-212024-03-212024-02-01https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/480This This research aims to reflect on the importance of Transversal Contemporary Themes (TCTs), part of the Citizenship and Civics macro-area, for the comprehensive training of students in the National Program for the Integration of Professional Education with Basic Education in the Youth and Adult Education Modality (PROJECT). Methodologically, this study is qualitative in nature, of the action research type, based on Oliveira (2016), Minayo (2009) and Thiollent (2011), whose methodological instruments include the application of questionnaires to teachers and students of this modality, with a view to producing and applying didactic sequences produced with a focus on the use of audiovisual materials; culminating in the production of an e-book, which is configured as a pedagogical instrument aimed at approaching TCT in Youth and Adult Education with a view to the citizenship training of students served in this modality. As a theoretical reference, we used the contributions of authors such as: Arroyo (2008), Azevedo and Tavares (2015), Carvalho et al (2020), De Lira (2018), Freire (2002), Gadotti (2009), Ramos (2008), Santos, (2014), Silva (2021), Thiollent (2011). To analyze the data obtained in the research, Content Analysis was used, according to Bardin (2016). The research was applied to the Cooking course – PROEJA at the Federal Institute of Alagoas – Campus Marechal Deodoro, with a sample of 9 teachers and 50 students distributed across different modules of the course. As a conclusion of the research, we highlight that the teaching offered in Youth and Adult Education needs meaning in view of its purpose, where different views and new teaching methods can promote student protagonism. The approach of TCTs in the classroom enables the formation of a subject who is knowledgeable about their rights and duties, since they dialogue with the reality of different social groups, especially with regard to those in the macro-area of Citizenship and Civics.Acesso AbertoEducação de jovens e adultos - PROEJATransdisciplinarEducação IntegralTransversal Contemporary Themes;Comprehensive TrainingComprehensive Education.PROEJAAbordagem dos temas contemporâneos transversais no Proeja com foco na macroárea temática cidadania e civismoDissertaçãoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO::TOPICOS ESPECIFICOS DE EDUCACAO