2023-08-302023-08-302023-08-302021-12-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/297This research investigates how a proposal for teaching Libras for high school students integrated with Professional Course, from Campus Maceió of Ifal, promotes the inclusion of deaf people. The Educational Product (PE) Guide for Access to the Mini-course “Inclusion, Deaf Culture and Notions of Libras in Ifal” includes the teaching of terms that aim to introduce the studies of Libras, theoretical and legal knowledge about identity, culture and educational specificities of the deaf, as well as concepts of inclusion at Ifal and in Professional and Technological Education (EPT, in Brazil). The purpose of the EP is to favor interactional practices, as well as to reduce communicational and stigmatizing barriers through an inclusive, transformative and libertarian pedagogy. Furthermore, the study proposes to indicate strategies to overcome limitations regarding the inclusion of deaf people in the Ifal school environment. The main objective of the research is to problematize the accessibility of the deaf student with a view to inclusion, using a proposal for teaching Libras and cultural, linguistic, legalit and educational aspects of deaf communities to students from Campus Maceió do Ifal. The investigation has a qualitative approach, using the action research method, with the insertion of the researcher in the remote space of the classroom, with the collaboration of hearing and deaf students, Libras teachers, Libras translators and interpreters and Portuguese Language (TILSP), in addition to the multidisciplinary team of NAPNE. The research instruments include the application of semi-structured questionnaires and classroom observation, whose results are used in two moments. Firstly, in the conception of the Mini-Course and, later, for the elaboration of the Guide for Access to the Mini-Course. The research results indicate the need to propose teaching strategies for learning Libras in an integral way in a critical-emancipatory perspective. The EP will be used by students, especially Ifal, as this teaching proposal has a central theme in the inclusion of deaf people in EPT.Acesso AbertoEnsinoEducação Profissional e TecnológicaInclusãoProduto EducacionalA promoção da acessibilidade na educação profissional e tecnológica: reflexões sobre cultura surda e libras por meio da oferta de um minicurso a estudantes do ensino médio integradoDissertaçãoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM