2023-07-272023-07-272023-07-272021-05-28https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/246This work is the consolidation of a research about the process of teaching and learning the Portuguese language by deaf students who use libras as a first language. Our main objective was to understand how this process occurs in classroom practice. Through observations in the period of pedagogical residency, we realized the difficulties of deaf students and the conducting teacher, which instigated interest in this theme. Choosing the qualitative approach, we used, as instruments for data collection, two types of questionnaire (open and closed) and interviews directed to the deaf, listeners, Portuguese language teacher and libras interpreter working in a regular high school in Maceió , Alagoas. The results showed great difficulties in the educational process of deaf students, both due to the lack or deficiency in literacy and literacy of these students, as well as the generic and traditional planning that lacks typical elements of the world of the deaf, making learning difficult and influencing the judgment of the deaf about the importance of learning Portuguese as a second language. Our research was guided by the theoretical framework composed mainly by the authors: Monteiro (2006), Baldo and Iacono (2008), Quadros (2008), Strobel (2008), Rojo (2009), Lopes, Abreu and Mattos (2010) and Rodrigues and Valente (2012), in addition to legislation related to the education of the deaf. We conclude that teacher training to work in inclusive education in general and, especially, to deal with deaf students is still very limited by the low workload of the libras discipline in academic curricula, underestimating the richness of sign language. The deaf in this study have great limitations in the acquisition of the Portuguese language and do not see it as an element of inclusion in the listening society, recognizing itself as part of a whole only in the deaf communities they attend. The teaching and learning process of L2 is not effective in the classroom and suffers from deficient communication between students, which has caused a collective tension between educators, deaf and hearing students.Acesso AbertoLíingua PortuguesaEnsino-aprendizagemSurdoProcesso educativoEnsino-aprendizagem de língua portuguesa para alunos surdos de uma turma do ensino médio de uma escola pública do estado de AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES