2024-07-042024-07-042024-07-042023-10-25https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/536This study aims to understand the contribution of Exact Sciences disciplines in the training process of technical courses in Administração in a private institution of professional and technological education, in 2023. In this sense, it defends the meaningful learning in Moreira (2016) valuing the interaction between prior knowledge and new knowledge, and Ausubel (2003) who values knowledge constructed from known situations, that is, the students' experiences. These teaching-learning processes must be understood as driving forces of personal and professional lives, eclipsing, like Mathematics Education, supporting adequate management of personal and professional finances using qualitative-quantitative research to understand the consequences of teaching- learning in their technical training in Administração, based on the precepts of Chiavenato (2006).Acesso AbertoEducação matemáticaEnsino-aprendizagemAprendizagem significativaMathematics educationTeaching-learningMeaningful learningAnálise da aprendizagem significativa nas disciplinas de ciências exatas do curso técnico em administraçãoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS