2023-03-272023-03-272023-03-272023-02-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/151This paper presents some analyzes of proposed activities on the linguistic variations of the Portuguese language in the 6th and 9th grade textbook elementary school and 1st grade of high school. Proposals that guide the teacher Portuguese speakers to work on this theme in the classroom, improving the teaching-learning process. This research intends to present the importance of Portuguese language teachers to improve knowledge about the Sociolinguistics to know how to deal better in the classroom and outside of it with the linguistic prejudice, helping in the process of deconstruction. The reflections were based on the conceptions of POSSENTI (1996), BORTONI-RICARDO (2004), BAGNO (2007) and in the National Common Curriculum Base (2017). in the approach methodological, I used bibliographical research to organize the content. To the analyzed activities revealed that it is possible for the teacher to use the textbook at his favor for the study of the language and its variations.Acesso AbertoSociolinguísticaVariações linguísticasLivro didáticoPreconceito LinguísticoContribuições da sociolinguística para reflexões sobre variação linguística nas aulas de língua portuguesa: análises de propostas apresentadas em livros didáticos do ensino básicoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES