2024-02-162024-02-162024-02-162023-10-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/366It is known that education and health are indispensable fields for the existence of human beings, in addition to being correlated, since education supports a healthy life. The objective of this work was to report the construction of pedagogical resources for oral health education with a group of students from the technical course in oral health, as well as clarify the importance of using recreational resources during health education activities. The pedagogical intervention was the method used in the construction of this work, therefore, a bibliographical research was carried out with the guiding question: What evidence is available on the use of pedagogical resources in oral health education activities? In addition, for the development of the theoretical framework, the following databases were used: PUBMED, LILACS, and SCIELO, with standardized descriptors: Health Education; Collective Health; Pedagogical Games; Pedagogical Intervention and its correspondents in English. In all combinations, the Boolean And operator was used. It was observed that it is essential that health education actions are conducted through playful means that broaden thoughts, behaviors and bring listeners closer to the guidelines that will be discussed. Thus, the importance of technical professionals in oral health is evident in strengthening the complementarity and continuity of collective actions, reinforcing the commitment to the population's health, the bond with the community and participation in intersectoral actions.Acesso AbertoEducação em SaúdeSaúde ColetivaJogos PedagógicosIntervenção PedagógicaHealth EducationCollective HealthPedagogical GamesPedagogical InterventionConstrução de recursos pedagógicos para educação em saúde bucal: uma intervenção na formação de técnicos em saúde bucalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS