2024-08-282024-08-282024-08-282022-07-07https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/644The Atlantic Forest Biome, according to the SOS Mata atlântica foundation, is largely degraded in Brazil, so it was necessary to apply this work in order to preserve and conserve this biome so rich in biodiversity. The theme of this work is: Case study: mapping of the Atlantic Forest fragments in the Bento Moreira farm - Boca da Mata - Alagoas. And as specific objectives, identify which areas are in balance (climax), Check for degradation in forest fragments and point out which are more degraded, detect which forest area has greater biodiversity and finally Implement good environmental practices on the farm. In order to put into practice, the objectives of this work, some technical visits were made to the study site to collect data and gather information about the Atlantic Forest fragments. Then, it was found that all forest fragments on the farm are in good condition. Finally, good environmental practices were put into practice on the farm to further conserve the natural resources of the location, since the farm carries out some economic activities that generate environmental impacts if carried out incorrectly.Acesso AbertoFragmentosMata atlânticaEquilíbrioPreservaçãoConservaçãoFragmentsAtlantic ForestBalancePreservationConservationEstudo de caso: mapeamento dos fragmentos de Mata Atlântica na fazenda Bento Moreira em Boca da Mata - AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS AGRARIAS